Spiritual Energy Massage

I have learnt this very special treatment around the year 2007 for the very first time and I remember being eager to know everything about it because it was such an unusual type of treatment and I felt it was very special.

Back in those days I didn’t and couldn’t realize how peculiar this SEM is because I was lacking the experience of course and therefore it just remained somewhere in my education but wasn’t too sure how I was supposed to offer it. There was such an aura around this SEM and my teacher always said that her teacher M.V.Govindan used to state over and over again that the SEM is a gift for all humanity and used to put this one in the first place when he was starting an educational cycle with some students.

So, in this particular post I would like to put some words together to explain what happens when you receive this massage, on the basis of 12 years practicing it.

The first thing I would like to say is that as the SEM triggers each of the 7 chakras, it has an immediate effect on the endocrine system which is strictly correlated and intertwined with the chakras. Therefore on one hand it stimulates the psychic entities (chakras) to reset and it feeds them this Spiritual Energy, on the other it flushes the hormones glands with energy so that they will most likely reset and harmonize their function.

At the same time, it helps the nervous system to relax in a very deep special way which is nothing like any other relaxation; it feels like deep long waves of energy running through your system, when you get back you might feel your body being very heavy…

One last thing I want to share in this particular post is that in these years I have noticed that when the treatment is repeated 2-3 times a week on a period of a few weeks, the effect is incredibly deeper and brings out tangible effects in the receiver.

metancestral biology

a system of biological harmonization through stellar and transcendent healing arts


Ancient traditions of the wandering holy men.